Forge/List Details (Employee)/

Employee Directory

  • Employee Directory - Screen-Thumbnail
  • Employee Directory - Screen-Thumbnail
  • Employee Directory - Screen-Thumbnail
  • Employee Directory - Screen-Thumbnail
  • Employee Directory - Screen-Thumbnail
Asset Version:
Last Published: Oct 21, 2021
The app lets you search, discover and know more about your co-workers. It comes in mobile, tablet as well as desktop web version. The mobile and tablet app comes preconfigured with Login, Menu, Filter and List/Detail interface with Search and Dictionary functionalities.
App Preview Code
  • HCL Volt MX Iris
  • HCL Volt MX Foundry
  • phone
  • tablet
  • desktop
  • android
  • iOS

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App Preview Code
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PWA Link :

Username:    Password:  Hcl@1234


  • Includes sample employee data
  • Easily configurable-customize as per your requirement
  • List Details layout with Search, Filter, Dictionary and Sliding menu functionalities
  • Progressive Web App:
    1. Prompts option to add the app to home screen from browser
    2. Responsive design supporting mobile, tablet, desktop.
    3. Provide ability to create, edit and delete employee records (For Desktop)