
Google Sheets Collection

  • Google Sheets Collection - Screen-Thumbnail
  • Google Sheets Collection - Screen-Thumbnail
  • Google Sheets Collection - Screen-Thumbnail
  • Google Sheets Collection - Screen-Thumbnail
  • Google Sheets Collection - Screen-Thumbnail
  • Google Sheets Collection - Screen-Thumbnail
  • Google Sheets Collection - Screen-Thumbnail
  • Google Sheets Collection - Screen-Thumbnail
  • Google Sheets Collection - Screen-Thumbnail
  • Google Sheets Collection - Screen-Thumbnail
  • Google Sheets Collection - Screen-Thumbnail
  • Google Sheets Collection - Screen-Thumbnail
Asset Version:
Last Published: Oct 29, 2018
The collection library provides building blocks to mobilize your Google sheets into a Mobile Application in no time. The generated app allows users to browse Google Sheet records, see record details and add/update records anytime, anywhere, and to build you own dashboard to keep track of important metrics.
  • HCL Volt MX Iris
  • HCL Volt MX Foundry
  • phone
  • tablet
  • android
  • iOS

Tablet Version: All the components are now available for Tablet Channel. Now experience multi-channel interface for your google sheets with new and improved Google Sheets Collection library.

Business Card Component: This component lets you save client's business card to your google sheets. Click, capture, and save Business card images. Link each row entry with a corresponding reference image.


  • Collection library contains Worksheet List, Info Card, Sheet Text-box, Sheet List-box, Sheet Date, Sheet Phone-box and Google login components
  • Worksheet List component displays Google Sheets records in a neat Master-Detail layout. Master-view allows users to browse through all the records, Detail-view provides more information on the selected record.
  • Worksheet List Detail-view can be customized by dragging and dropping Sheet Text-box, Sheet List-box, Sheet Phone-box and Sheet Date components.
  • Info Card displays data from specified Google Sheet cell inside a Value-Label-Description Card. Customize the card to make it more informative as per your purpose 
  • Google login component can be used to authenticate app users, which is a must for accessing Google Sheets data