
Google Sheets data driven app

  • Google Sheets data driven app - Screen-Thumbnail
  • Google Sheets data driven app - Screen-Thumbnail
  • Google Sheets data driven app - Screen-Thumbnail
Asset Version:
Last Published: Jul 2, 2024
The collection library provides building blocks to create Google Sheets data driven app in no time. The generated app allows users to browse Google Sheet records, see record details and add/update records anytime, anywhere.
  • HCL Volt MX Iris
  • HCL Volt MX Foundry
  • phone
  • android
  • iOS


  • Collection library contains Worksheet Cell, Worksheet List, Sheet Text-box, Sheet List-box, Sheet Date, Sheet Phone-box and Google login components
  • Worksheet List component displays Google Sheets records in a neat Master-Detail layout. Master-view allows users to browse through all the records, Detail-view provides more information on the selected record.
  • Worksheet List Master-view contains an optional chart element which can be configured to graphically present selected Google Sheets data
  • Worksheet List Detail-view can be customized by dragging and dropping Sheet Text-box, Sheet List-box, Sheet Phone-box and Sheet Date components
  • Worksheet Cell displays data from specified Google Sheet cell inside a poker chip or a text-box widget 
  • Google login component can be used to authenticate app users, which is a must for accessing Google Sheets data