
History Form

  • History Form - Screen-Thumbnail
  • History Form - Screen-Thumbnail
Asset Version:
Last Published: May 29, 2024
Let’s you view past records for any entity to understand the asset’s performance and better plan for future use-cases. This is the most common use-case for any work request/service request scenario, in which the user needs access to historical records to understand the task in hand. Can be integrated into any entity in the data model for which historical records need to be maintained and displayed as a reference.
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  • HCL Volt MX Iris
  • phone
  • tablet
  • desktop
  • android
  • iOS

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                i.         A sample form displayed in a recent first format(The sorting order is configurable).

              ii.         All the historical inspection values (per service request) displayed in the form

             iii.         fully customisable look and skin properties to rebrand and redesign the form for your requirement

             iv.         JSON input format