

  • JsGrid - Screen-Thumbnail
  • JsGrid - Screen-Thumbnail
  • JsGrid - Screen-Thumbnail
  • JsGrid - Screen-Thumbnail
  • JsGrid - Screen-Thumbnail
  • JsGrid - Screen-Thumbnail
  • JsGrid - Screen-Thumbnail
  • JsGrid - Screen-Thumbnail
  • JsGrid - Screen-Thumbnail
  • JsGrid - Screen-Thumbnail
  • JsGrid - Screen-Thumbnail
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Last Published: Oct 28, 2021
JSGrid is a JavaScript library that is based on jQuery. The JSGrid component integrates JSGrid with VoltMX Iris so that you can add data grids to your existing web apps. You can use custom back-end data sources to display the data on the component. You can also modify the UI elements based on your preference. You can use this component in your web apps to display data from your back-end source as a data grid/ you can use static data.
  • HCL Volt MX Iris
  • desktop

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  • Provides controls to customize the UI
  • JSGrid is flexible and allows to customize its appearance and components.
  • Allows user to perform basic grid operations like insert, edit, delete, search paging and sorting.