• Login – FS - Screen-Thumbnail
  • Login – FS - Screen-Thumbnail
Login – FS - Screen
Asset Version: 1.0
Last Published: Feb 13, 2019
Standard username/password login- comes preconfigured with Kony user-repository; can be easily reconfigured to connect to your custom identity service. Drag and drop the component in your app, configure few properties and backend services- that’s all! you are ready to go.
  • HCL Volt MX Iris
  • phone
  • android
  • iOS


Login Component is customized to visual design. All the skin and look properties are customizable to support rebranding aligning to your color scheme. Animated text fields make the component visually rich.

  • Easy to configure Visualizer properties to enable local password encryption, provide username/password placeholders and your own logo, set validation rules like minimum password/ userID length, provide validation messages, enable Remember Me and much more.
  • Fully customizable skins allow you to change look and feel of the component
  • Supports Touch ID login - Ability to authenticate with fingerprint