Forge/List Details (Employee)/

Product List & Details

  • Product List & Details - Screen-Thumbnail
  • Product List & Details - Screen-Thumbnail
  • Product List & Details - Screen-Thumbnail
  • Product List & Details - Screen-Thumbnail
Asset Version: 1.0.0
Last Published: Feb 1, 2018
A List Detail Interface is a common pattern in computer systems where a master list is displayed, and when an item is selected, more details about that item are displayed in a separate view. This List-Detail pattern caters to the e-commerce applications where all products are listed down in a single form and on click of any product the details page of the product is displayed.
  • HCL Volt MX Iris
  • HCL Volt MX Foundry
  • phone
  • android
  • iOS


  • List-Details layout pre-configured for displaying Products data
  • Easily configurable- customize as per your requirement
  • Connect with any backend data source 


  • Kony Visualizer v8
  • Kony Fabric v8