• Weather - Screen-Thumbnail
  • Weather - Screen-Thumbnail
  • Weather - Screen-Thumbnail
Asset Version:
Last Published: Jun 17, 2024
Weather is a VoltMX Foundry Application with collection of the top 6 most used Weather sources as integration services. Get current weather for a specific location based on your current geolocation, zip code, city, state or country. Retrieve a weather forecast, show weather alerts and weather-related maps and images easily with the help of this preconfigured ready to use services.
  • HCL Volt MX Foundry
  • phone
  • android
  • iOS
  • Ready-to-use backend service for weather mobile apps
  • Predefined services to obtain weather information from AccuWeather, NOAA Weather, OpenWeatherMap, WUnderground, World Weather, Apple Weather.
  • Flexible to create new services to map with any weather web service provider
  • Easy to make API calls and view responses