
WorkOrder Data Model

  • WorkOrder Data Model - Screen-Thumbnail
  • WorkOrder Data Model - Screen-Thumbnail
  • WorkOrder Data Model - Screen-Thumbnail
  • WorkOrder Data Model - Screen-Thumbnail
Asset Version:
Last Published: Jun 25, 2024
The Work Order data model provides a quick start for building mobile/desktop web/tablet apps dealing with work orders data. Use the model to build apps for accepting new work orders, notifying a worker of a new work order and completing work orders. You can easily extend/ reduce/ modify the data model based on your needs. The data model backend is cloud storage and you can also map this to any backend data source.
  • HCL Volt MX Foundry
  • phone
  • android
  • iOS

The data model abstracts common work order fields and objects from the backend data source, allowing you to create a mobile/desktop web/tablet app which is decoupled from backend data sources. You can then map any data source to the app, without modifying the client side code. 


  • Quick reference app data model- to extend, reduce, and modify based on your requirements
  • Easily map business objects and terms to back end data sources.
  • Flexible to map with any back end data source